Why Is My Breath Bad?

Bad breath can be frustrating, especially if you brush and floss regularly. For many people, getting rid of bad breath is as easy as brushing their teeth. However, for some people, bad breath can be an ongoing problem. Knowing what causes bad breath and what you can do about it can help you take better care of your teeth. As yourdentist in Gilbert, AZ, we’re here to help. Here’s what to know about managing your bad breath.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can have many causes. Here are some of the reasons that people experience bad breath:

  • Poor oral hygiene. If you have poor oral hygiene habits, you’re likely to experience bad breath. Brushing and flossing regularly can help eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath. If you do not floss once daily and brush twice daily, work on your oral hygiene habits to help with your breath.
  • Eating foods that cause bad breath. Some foods cause bad breath and continue to cause bad breath even after you’ve brushed your teeth because the food particles have been absorbed into the blood. Onions and garlic may have this effect.
  • Smoking. Smoking and using tobacco products can have a negative impact on your oral hygiene and oral health. Therefore, smoking may cause a variety of problems that could cause your breath to smell.
  • Dry mouth. Dry mouth is a condition that causes bad breath because saliva helps clean the mouth and eliminate bacteria that keep your breath smelling good.
  • Periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gum tissue caused by bacteria. People who have periodontal disease may experience bad breath because of the bacteria causing the infection.

When to See the Dentist

If you’re experiencing bad breath and brushing your teeth isn’t helping, contact your dentist for adental exam in Gilbert, AZ. We’re committed to helping our patients improve their oral hygiene at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry. We can help.

What to Expect At Your Baby’s First Dental Appointment

Your child will likely start growing their first teeth by the time they turn one year old. When they do, it’s important to bring your child to the dentist for the first time. Getting early dental care is important because it can help thedentist in Gilbert, AZ, identify any dental problems your child may have. If your child needs intervention or treatment, then they’ll get that dental care they need.

Bringing your baby to the dentist for the first time can be a great experience, but it helps to know more about what to expect during the appointment. At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we help patients have a good experience when they bring their child to the dentist for the first time. Here’s what you need to know.


During your baby’s first dental examination, the dentist will look inside their mouth to see that everything is developing normally. They’ll inspect your child’s teeth, but it won’t take very long. The examination will not take as long as the dental examinations you experience when you go to the dentist because your baby will not have the same kind of tolerance that you do.

Talk With the Dentist

The dentist will invite you to ask any questions that you may have about taking care of your baby’s teeth. Your baby will need you to brush their teeth for them. Brushing a baby’s teeth differs from brushing your own, so the dentist may need to advise you on how this is done.

Ready to Bring Your Baby to the Dentist? Call Today

At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we help children maintain healthy teeth and gums from an early age. To bring your child for adental examination in Gilbert, AZ, call today to make an appointment.

How Often Are Dental X-rays Needed?

Your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, will occasionally want to take x-rays during your dental visits. Sometimes, you may wonder if dental x-rays are absolutely necessary. After all, they add to the length of time your dental visit takes. Here is some insight into why your dentist takes dental X-rays and how often they are needed.

What are Dental X-rays Used For?

During your dental exam, your dentist performs a visual inspection of your teeth, gums, and oral soft tissue. However, this visual inspection can only go so far in detecting oral health conditions like cavities and disease. Dental X-rays are an important diagnostic tool that enables your dentist to see beyond what is obvious to what conditions might be developing. or to detect oral health conditions that exist where the eye cannot see, such as the jaw bone.

What Dental X-rays Can Detect

Depending upon what kind of dental X-rays your dentist offers, they can detect:

  • decay occurring below tooth fillings
  • bone loss in the jawbone
  • infection in the gums and other soft tissue
  • impacted teeth
  • position of teeth that have not yet erupted
  • abscessed teeth
  • cysts, tumors and similar growths
  • cavities
  • and more

Dental x-rays are also used to determine your candidacy for sera dental procedures, such as dental implants, dentures and orthodontic braces.

Finally, they are also used in root canal therapy and in monitoring the progress of bone grafting treatments.

How Often Are Dental X-rays Needed?

Dental x-rays are needed whenever you visit your dentist at six-month intervals. They are also necessary when the dentist needs to check the progress of certain treatments mentioned above or when there is an oral health concern where a visual inspection is not sufficient.

If you need dental X-rays in Gilbert, AZ, you can be sure that your dentist will take the utmost precautions and never do X-rays when they aren’t necessary. To book your next dental appointment, please contact us today.

What’s the Difference Between Plaque and Tartar?

When talking about oral health, the terms plaque and tartar are frequently used. But the two are not the same thing, and it’s important to know the differences between them. Brushing and flossing are part of the essential at-home oral hygiene tasks that everyone should do, but they don’t take care of everything related to taking care of your teeth. There are some things—like removing tartar—that can only be accomplished at your Gilbert, AZ dentist’s office.

What is Plaque?
Plaque is the yellowish, sticky biofilm that accumulates on teeth overnight or when teeth haven’t been brushed. It starts to form almost immediately after eating and drinking, which is why dentists recommend brushing your teeth after every meal.

Plaque is made up of a combination of bacteria, saliva and food particles, and it sticks to the surface of the teeth, forming a soft, sticky layer that can erode tooth enamel and create cavities.

What is Tartar?
Tartar is plaque that has hardened. Plaque that has hardened—or mineralized—is called tartar. Tartar is like a cement that forms on the surface of the teeth. Unlike plaque, tartar can’t be brushed away. It requires the professional services of a dental hygienist, who removes it using special tools. Tartar can form in between teeth, too, or anywhere that your toothbrush misses.

How Quickly Does Plaque Mineralize?
Plaque starts to form very soon after you eat or drink. It begins the mineralization process over a few days or weeks. The sooner that you brush away plaque buildup, the better you can stave off the formation of tartar.

The only way to get rid of tartar is by visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning. These should take place every six months, at a minimum. To book your next dental cleaning in Gilbert, AZ, contact us today.

Can I Tell If I Have a Cavity?

If you have a cavity, you may experience few symptoms or many symptoms. Knowing what to look for can help you decide when it’s time to see the dentist in Gilbert, AZ. At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we offer cavity-filling services and dental cleanings to help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful.

What Is a Cavity?
A cavity is a hole in your tooth. Cavities are the result of tooth decay caused by bacteria and poor oral hygiene. Children often get cavities because they often have poor oral hygiene and eat a lot of sugar, but anyone can get a cavity at any age.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?
Some people can tell they have a cavity when they experience pain and tooth sensitivity, but others don’t notice any signs at all. Some of the common signs of cavities include:

Pain when eating and drinking something sweet
Brown or black stains on your teeth
A visible hole in your tooth enamel
Tooth sensitivity
Pain when biting down
What Should You Do If You Have a Cavity?
A cavity can be a small problem at first, but cavities often develop into bigger problems as time goes on. If you have a cavity, it’s important to see a dentist to get a filling. If you don’t seek treatment for your cavity, then it may turn into an infection that could result in a root canal.

If the problem continues to develop, you may even need a tooth extraction. The best thing you can do for your tooth is to see the dentist as soon as possible.

Do you need a cavity filling in Gilbert, AZ? Call today to make an appointment.

4 Tips to Maintain White Teeth This Summer

Summer is a time for smiles. Whether you’re visiting friends and relatives, hosting a barbecue in your backyard, or dancing at a friend’s wedding, it’s important to have a smile that makes you feel confident. Your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, can help! By keeping your teeth clean and by seeking professional whitening services, you can enjoy white teeth throughout the summer.

1. Get your teeth professionally cleaned on schedule.

Most dentists recommend that their patients get their teeth cleaned every six months. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last six months, it’s time. Get your teeth professionally cleaned to remove plaque and tartar that can cause stains and discolorations.

2. Have your teeth whitened.

Professional teeth whitening in Gilbert, AZ, can turn your teeth many shades whiter and can keep your teeth that way for a while. Professional teeth whitening is a great way to make your smile sparkle.

3. Maintain good oral hygiene at home.

Of course, you can’t have white teeth if you’re not cleaning your teeth effectively at home. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once daily. Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three months. Also, get a tutorial from your dentist on brushing and flossing next time you’re at the dentist’s office to ensure that you’re doing it correctly.

4. Stay hydrated.

Summer is a time when it’s hard to stay hydrated. Drink enough water to keep your mouth sufficiently wet with saliva. Saliva helps keep your teeth clean and washes away bacteria that can lead to staining and bad breath.

Is it time for you to schedule an appointment with the dentist? Call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today.

A Family Affair: Understanding the Importance of Family Dentistry

Family dentistry is much more than regular dental check-ups; it’s about nurturing healthy smiles across generations. At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, your trusted Dentist in Gilbert, AZ, we believe in creating a caring and inclusive environment for families, understanding their unique dental needs and history.

What is Family Dentistry?

Family dentistry is a branch of dental care that provides services to people of all ages. It’s a one-stop-shop for your entire family’s dental needs, from your toddler’s first tooth to your parents’ denture care. At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we offer comprehensive dental services for every stage of life.

Benefits of Family Dentistry

Having one dentist for the whole family streamlines dental care. It simplifies scheduling and means everyone can be seen in one visit, saving time and reducing stress. But, it’s more than just convenience. Family dentists build relationships with their patients, understanding each family member’s dental history, which is invaluable in predicting and preventing future oral health issues.

Teaching Healthy Habits

Family dentistry isn’t just about treating dental issues; it’s also about education. We help children understand the importance of good oral hygiene habits early on, laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Plus, children can often feel more at ease seeing the same dentist their parents trust.

Choose Family Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ

At Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we’re committed to providing families with exceptional, caring dental services. We understand that every family member is unique, and we tailor our services to meet their individual needs. Experience the benefits of comprehensive family dentistry at our welcoming practice in Gilbert, AZ.

Remember, a family that smiles together stays together. Let us join your journey towards achieving beautiful, healthy smiles for the whole family.

Your Guide to Family Dentistry: More than Just a Check-Up

We are more than just your local dental clinic at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ. We’re a family dentistry practice committed to safeguarding your family’s oral health at every life stage.

What is Family Dentistry?

Family dentistry addresses oral health at all stages of life. Unlike age-specific specialties, a family dentist is equipped to care for everyone in your family, from a toddler’s first tooth to the specialized dental care seniors might need.

More than Just a Check-Up

While regular check-ups are crucial to dental care, family dentistry goes beyond this. We focus on comprehensive oral health, including preventive education, restorative treatments, cosmetic procedures, and even orthodontics like Invisalign.

The Benefits of Family Dentistry

Family dentistry offers convenience, versatility, and a personal relationship with your dental team. By seeing patients of all ages, we offer a one-stop solution for your family’s dental needs. Furthermore, having a long-term relationship with your dentist can ensure better dental health monitoring and consistency in treatment.

Setting the Foundation for Lifelong Oral Health

One key aspect of family dentistry is instilling a positive perspective toward dental health from a young age. Through educational interactions, we aim to equip your children with the knowledge to maintain their oral health, setting them up for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Join Our Dental Family Today

Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry is more than just a dental practice; it’s a place where patients of all ages feel welcome and cared for. From the smallest tooth to the biggest smile, we’re here for you every step of the way. Contact us today and discover the difference of a family-oriented approach to dental care.


1. Opt for Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers:

Nearly everyone indulges in more sweets than they usually would throughout the holidays. The National Confectioners Association says, “77% of people include candy in holiday gifts.” Instead of having too many candy canes or other sticky, hard candies eat more chocolate. Chocolate is much easier to brush off whereas other candies leave a stickier coating on your teeth that can be extremely difficult to remove. This sticky coating contains sugar that will erode your enamel if not taken care of properly. Remember though, taking care of your smile is still necessary regardless of your candy choice. This Christmas, let’s say yes to chocolate santas and no to tooth decay

2. Carol While You Brush:

One of the easiest ways to brush for a full two minutes is to listen to a song that’s two minutes long. Create a playlist of your favorite holiday music to listen to whenever you brush your teeth. This way you’ll ensure that every time you brush, you’re doing it correctly. Remember to do it at least twice a day, (and you’ll definitely make Santa’s nice list if you add in a song to floss to).

3. Never Open Gifts with Your Teeth:

As tempting as it can be to use your teeth to open a present, please just take that short walk to the kitchen or craft area to grab a pair of scissors. If you’re a younger reader, simply ask someone for help unwrapping. Your teeth were made for eating, not to unwrap the gift your mom spent an hour making sure was secure enough to prevent any peeking. If you use your teeth to open your presents, you risk cracking or damaging a tooth and even injuring your jaw. There’s also the chance you could accidentally swallow something you shouldn’t (Christmas cookies taste much better anyway).

4. Stick to Your Routine:

Between holiday parties, travel, and other festivities, it’s easy to slip out of your normal routine. Don’t wait until New Year’s to make your dental health a priority again. Maintain your healthy habits no matter the time of year. If you have a routine dental visit scheduled, keep the appointment. Your teeth actually need a cleaning now more than ever. Don’t forget to brush twice a day for two minutes each time and floss after at least one of those times.

5. Ask for or Give Oral Hygiene Products as Presents or Stocking Stuffers:

This year put a new toothbrush (maybe even an electric one), floss (the Waterpik Water Flosser works amazing and is easy to use as well), mouthwash, Glo whitening products, or any other oral hygiene product you could use on your Christmas list! If you are looking for a very practical and useful gift for someone you care about, consider giving them some oral care products! We could all do with receiving toothbrushes and floss, even if we’re already stocked up because you can never have too much of something so important and necessary.


The food we eat can have a big impact on our teeth. It is obviously important to take good care of your smile by brushing and flossing but the things we eat can also affect our teeth. To keep those pearly whites bright snack on crunchy vegetables that do not get stuck in the teeth like carrots, broccoli and celery. Watermelon with its high water content helps to keep the teeth hydrated and free from debris as well. Pears are another good choice for crispness and water content. Crunchy nuts and seeds are full of protein and the crunch helps remove plaque from the teeth keeping them stain free. If you are looking for a natural tooth whitener go for strawberries. The malic acid in the berry is a natural tooth whitener. You can also try a paste of strawberries and baking on your pearly whites to brighten them.

Foods that are harmful to the teeth include dried fruits and raisins as they are very sticky after being dehydrated and promote tooth decay because they sit on the enamel. Saltine crackers are another poor choice. Remember that any sticky substance on the tooth will provide food for the bacteria that cause decay. Think of how your teeth feel after a banana, all sticky and covered with a film. That film gives fuel to the sugar bugs and if left on the tooth will allow it to start to break down. Acidic foods like pickles change the alkalinity of the mouth and promote enamel breakdown. Sugary sports drinks and sodas do the same thing. We are seeing an increase in cavities between the teeth in young adults and it is being attributed to the energy drinks which are mostly caffeine and sugar. Certainly not the best thing for your smile. Keep in mind that water is always the best choice for your smile it cleans the teeth and hydrates them to keep them healthy. If you opt for a different drink make sure you rinse with water after drinking it and don’t sip on something sugary all day. The worst thing you can do for your teeth is to constantly bath your enamel with demineralizing sugars and acids over the course of the day. This does not give the saliva a chance to do its job of cleaning the mouth and re-mineralizing the tooth structure and enamel breakdown occurs. Alcohol also reduces the saliva flow and promotes drying of the teeth and gums.

To keep your family smiling choose good snacks that not only taste good but are healthy. Fresh fruits and nuts will certainly keep that smile on their faces and not affect the teeth. I find my family prefers the healthy stuff anyway so that is what I offer. Trader Joe’s sells convenient packs of nuts that are great to throw in my bag if the kids or I get hungry. I also usually have lots of fruit poolside. Bowls of grapes and watermelon are sure to please the crowd at my house. I am even surprised when we have a BBQ and the fruit is empty but the chips are not. Everyone likes fruit. I even make a delicious fruit dip to go with cantaloupe, watermelon, bananas and strawberries. Just mix a bar of cream cheese, a jar of marshmallow fluff and 1/4 cup orange juce in the food processor and chill for an hour before serving with fruit. Enjoy the summer!