Does Plaque Turn Into Tartar?

Plaque is usually the main problem that people discuss when it comes to caring for their teeth. Most people know that plaque is what leads to cavities. Of course, there’s more to this equation, which is often why procedures like root canals or extractions seemingly sneak up on people. Below, we’ll look at plaque and tartar and why keeping up with regular teeth cleaning in Gilbert, AZ is so important.

From Plaque to Tartar

Plaque is a type of film that’s made up of bacteria. This buildup is a common occurrence that even the best brusher and flosser can’t entirely prevent. Plaque buildup can be removed through standard brushing and flossing, but if it’s not taken care of sooner than later, it will turn into tartar.

It usually takes one to three days for plaque to turn into tartar. Once the minerals in your saliva start binding to the plaque, it will form into a hardened layer that’s usually either yellow or brown. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist, so it’s important to see a professional regularly. If it’s left to its own devices, it will eventually destroy the tooth from the outside in.

How to Keep Plaque at Bay

Even one day of careless brushing and flossing can lead to tartar, so you don’t get a lot of leeway when it comes to your dental hygiene routine. The best thing you can do is invest in the right tools and keep up with your habits, especially between meals and snacks.

If you’re looking for the best dentist in Gilbert, AZ, call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry. We can help you schedule cleanings and stick to your schedule, so you don’t have to worry about too much tartar buildup.

3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist During Your Next Dental Exam

When you visit the dentist in Gilbert, AZ for your next dental exam, you’ll have a good opportunity to ask questions about your dental health. Knowing which questions to ask can make your time at the dentist’s office more productive and helpful. Below are three good questions to ask your dentist when you go for your next dental appointment.

1. Am I At Risk for Any Conditions?

Some people are at high risk for various dental conditions. If you’re at risk, you can help protect yourself by watching out for symptoms and reporting them to your dentist. You may be at higher risk for various conditions if you have diabetes, if you smoke, or if you are taking certain medications.

2. How Can I Improve My Oral Hygiene Routine?

Your dentist will be able to tell if you’re missing areas of your teeth while brushing and flossing. At the end of your exam, the dentist can give you tips to improve your oral hygiene routine. Taking the time to ask can ensure that your dentist will pass this information along to you.

3. Has There Been a Change to My Oral Health?

Your oral health can change over time. Your teeth will become more sensitive, your gums may recede, or your gums may become inflamed. These changes can point to problems like gum disease, which needs treatment from a dentist. If your dentist has noticed changes in your oral health, it’s important to have a conversation about it.

Is it time for a dental exam in Gilbert, AZ? If so, call your dentist at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry to make an appointment.

Unsure About Your Need for Dental Work? Schedule a Virtual Consultation

Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry specializes in general and family dentistry, and we are passionate about building client relationships that span the decades from early childhood through our patients’ senior years.

What exactly does that mean?

To us, it means utilizing all available means to provide responsible service to you and your family. One of those innovative services is the ability to conduct virtual consultations. These online sessions can be game changers, allowing quick responses to your questions and defining various options for specialized treatment.

We want our clients to feel free to ask about normal timing for the appearance of a child’s first teeth, about the need for teenage braces, or dental implants for an aging parent. We want to guide our dental “family” through all the possible paths for lifelong dental care. And, during a virtual chat, we can also “see” what we’re talking about.

At Kathy Jacobsen, we offer virtual consultation as a popular precursor to an initial office examination. It not only provides the information we need to help you choose the best course of action, but it can shorten the time required to take action. It is a supplement to an in-office examination, not a substitute, but it can help speed the process. We can respond to questions about treatment and cost, formulate a care plan, and schedule desired dental work that aligns with your lifestyle and needs.

We’re pretty proud of the work we do!

If you’re considering cosmetic work to enhance your smile or wondering if you might be a candidate for restorative dentistry, call to request a virtual consultation before scheduling an office visit. Our virtual meeting will lay the groundwork for future care, saving us all time. We consider that a win-win situation.

Call our Gilbert office now, and let’s arrange a convenient time for that visual chat.

3 Benefits of Virtual Consultations

Virtual consultations became very popular during the pandemic, even though they had been steadily gaining traction long before then. If you’re curious whether a virtual dental appointment is worth your time, we’ll examine why you might want to schedule one.

1. Reduced Anxiety

Quite possibly, the biggest reason to schedule a virtual dental appointment in Gilbert, AZ, besides general convenience, is that many people put off dental visits because they’re nervous about what the dentist will find. With a virtual appointment, you have a buffer between you and the dentist. So, even if you get some bad news, you’ll have time to process it before you decide what to do next.

2. Time-Savers

A traditional dentist appointment is more than finding a time that suits your busy schedule. With a virtual consultation, you don’t have to commute, spend time in a waiting room, or take off several hours of work in case things don’t run like clockwork.

3. Expert Advice

A virtual consultation gives you access to advice that you can trust. Instead of looking up general tips on the internet, which may or may not accurately address all of your symptoms or concerns, you can work with a professional who can give you real solutions to real problems.

Finding a Dentist in Gilbert

Virtual consultations and appointments offer patients a way to address dental issues regardless of how busy they are. They also allow for more streamlined follow-ups and after-care to ensure everything moves in the right direction. If you’re interested in a staff member who can provide excellent care from wherever they are, call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today. Here, the team has done more than invest in technology. We’ve put these tools to work to provide the most value to clients.

3 Ways Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry Can Change Your Life

While many patients often have to get a single tooth restored, restorative dentistry in Gilbert, AZ, can be far more in-depth. For example, some patients have decay or deterioration problems with multiple teeth that need to be addressed. Procedures to correct these issues can be highly effective for restoring your smile and the function of your teeth, but there are many ways restorative procedures can be life-changing.

Boosting Self-Confidence and Appearance

When teeth break down or have to be extracted, it can also change the shape of your face, how you speak, and even the sound of your voice. The ability to share a smile when you feel the urge to do so without feeling self-conscious means a lot to your overall self-confidence.

Improving Oral Function and Health

While your smile is an aesthetic part of your appearance, your teeth perform an important role. After all, food digestion begins in the mouth, where you chew your food. Further, the inability to chew can limit your nutritional choices. For example, raw vegetables and fruits can be difficult to chew if you have bad teeth, and these foods can be extremely nutritious.

Preventing Future Dental Issues

Smile restoration can also protect your remaining teeth from further damage. For instance, if you have several decayed teeth on one side of your mouth, you will always be inclined to chew on the other side of the mouth. This can lead to uneven wear and undue stress on teeth that may have no issues. However, restoring the teeth that have issues will even out your bite and chewing habits.

Discuss Restorative Dentistry with a Skilled Gilbert, AZ Dentist

If you have multiple concerns about your smile, working with a skilled Gilbert dentist for restorations could be all-out life-changing. Contact our team at Kathy Jacobson Contemporary Dentistry to schedule a consultation.

What’s the Purpose of a Dental Crown?

A dental crown, also known as a dental cap, is a type of tooth restoration used to treat a damaged tooth. Dental crowns are widely used in dentistry today because they address a number of issues when a tooth is weakened or damaged. If your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, has recommended getting a dental crown, here are some possible reasons.


One of the main purposes of a dental crown is to protect a weakened tooth. A tooth may be weakened for several reasons, such as a fracture, injury, the repercussions of root canal therapy, or something else. The dental crown supports the tooth’s structure so it can function as it should.

Support For Dental Bridge

Dental crowns are also commonly used to support dental bridge prosthetic devices that replace one or more missing teeth. Crowns are placed on the natural teeth adjacent to the empty space left by the missing tooth, serving as anchors for the bridge and helping to distribute biting forces evenly across the dental arch.


Because dental crowns can be tinted to match the color of natural teeth, they are sometimes used to improve the cosmetic appearance of teeth. Crowns enhance the shape, size, color, and alignment of teeth. They are made from porcelain or ceramic, which closely mirror the look of natural teeth.

Prevention of Future Damage

By covering and sealing the tooth’s surface, a dental crown helps prevent bacteria and debris from accumulating in the crevices and fissures, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. This protective barrier promotes oral health and maintains the longevity of the restored tooth.

When you get dental crowns in Gilbert, AZ, you can be assured that your dentist is working hard to save your natural teeth. To learn more or to book your next appointment, contact us today.

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Overall Well-Being

Without question, having a general dentist in Gilbert, AZ, is an important part of your oral health. However, did you know that your oral health and overall well-being are intrinsically linked? Take a closer look at just how closely intertwined your oral and overall health is below.

How Your Oral Health Reflects Your Overall Health and Vitality

Good oral health can be a direct reflection of an overall healthy person. Individuals who are attentive to their oral health are also more likely to be attentive to things like routine checkups, following healthy lifestyle habits, and tending to issues with their health. Likewise, poor oral health has been linked to certain chronic diseases. For example, there may be a link between periodontal disease and heart disease.

Connecting the Dots Between Oral Health, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Factors

Nutrition and lifestyle choices play a significant role in oral health. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports healthy teeth and gums, while lifestyle factors like smoking can increase the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Even something like not getting enough exercise can affect blood flow to your mouth, contributing to oral health issues.

Understanding the Link Between a Healthy Smile and Mental Health

There’s a strong connection between oral health and mental well-being. Poor oral health can lead to self-esteem issues and social withdrawal, which can undeniably harm your mental health. Conversely, maintaining a healthy smile boosts confidence and overall mood. You may feel more comfortable in social situations or even be perceived as more friendly and open.

Looking for more insight on your oral health from a dentist in Gilbert, AZ? Reach out to the Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry team to schedule an appointment.

Gum Health and Its Impact on Overall Wellness

Oral health is connected to systemic health in many ways. In particular, gum health impacts overall wellness in ways that you may not have realized. In fact, the condition of your gums offers insight into your overall health since the two are so intrinsically connected.

The Importance of Healthy Gums

As your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, can attest, your gums act as a kind of barrier against bacteria and infections. They protect the roots of teeth and the jawbone. When gums become unhealthy, they can’t function as they should, which compromises the health of the teeth and jawbone. In turn, a gateway opens, allowing bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Link Between Gums and Systemic Health

When a patient develops periodontal disease, which is an advanced form of gum disease, a host of systemic health risks arise. These include:

Cardiovascular Disease.

Inflammation in the gums has been linked to the development of heart disease. This may be due to a spread of inflammation that causes arterial plaque build-up.

Respiratory Problems

When bad bacteria are in the oral cavity and gums, they can easily spread into the respiratory tract, where they can contribute to problems like asthma and even pneumonia.

Pregnancy Complications

There is evidence suggesting that periodontal disease can lead to premature birth and low birth weight in infants.


Patients with diabetes are more likely to have gum disease. In turn, gum disease can exacerbate diabetes in a vicious cycle.

As you can see, gum disease doesn’t just affect your teeth. During a dental exam, your dentist not only examines your teeth but also your gums for problems. Come in today for a dental exam in Gilbert, AZ, so your dentist can ensure your gums are healthy.

Process of Getting Dental Veneers

The process of getting dental veneers is very straightforward, especially when compared to other dental treatments, such as dental implants. Still, there are steps involved that it’s helpful to be aware of. If you want dental veneers in Gilbert, AZ, here’s a breakdown of what’s involved.

Consultation and Planning

During your initial consultation to determine if you’re a viable candidate for dental veneers, treatment planning will begin. This is when your dentist will explain all the steps involved in detail. You’ll also have a chance to discuss your expectations and goals. This is also when you and your dentist choose a type and shade of dental veneers that best suit your needs.


Next, your dentist must prepare your teeth for the veneers. The dentist will remove about 0.5 millimeters of enamel from the tooth surface or about the thickness of the veneers to be added. This is often done under local anesthesia or with sedation dentistry to minimize discomfort.


The dentist will then take impressions of each of the teeth that are getting veneers. The impressions are a model or mold, which will be sent to a dental lab. At the lab, they’ll use the impressions to make veneers that fit as perfectly as possible on each tooth. Note that the dental lab needs some time to manufacture the veneers, including staining them with the exact hue. You can expect this to take from several days to a week or more.


When the veneers come back to your dentist, you’ll have your next appointment. The surface of the teeth will be roughened up slightly. This is done to ensure correct adhesion when the veneers are placed. Then, the dentist will meticulously fit the veneers to your teeth for final placement.

Would you love to have a brand new smile with veneers? Contact your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, to book your appointment today!

5 Signs of Deteriorating Gum Health

YourGilbert, AZ dentist at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry encourages you to have a dental exam at least once every six months. One of the important reasons for this is because of the way that gum disease develops. Gum disease doesn’t happen overnight or even over the course of a few weeks. It develops over several months and years. Signs include:

1. Red or Swollen Gums

Healthy gums are pink and firm. Red, swollen gums are one of the most evident signs when gum disease starts. The gums become inflamed due to the infection. At this stage, the gum disease can be halted and reversed with the help of your dentist.

2. Bleeding Gums

Are your gums bleeding when you brush or floss? This isn’t normal for healthy gums unless you’re using excessive force. Bleeding gums are a cause for concern and may indicate deteriorating gum health.

3. Receding Gums

The expression “long in the tooth” refers to receding gums. More of the tooth shows when gums recede, making it appear longer than normal. What’s actually happening is that the gums are pulling away from the tooth. Aside from tooth sensitivity, this eventually leads to tooth loss without professional dental intervention.

4. Pus Between Teeth and Gums

The presence of pus or a white, creamy secretion between the teeth and gums is a definite sign of gum infection. This usually occurs in more advanced stages of gum disease, whererestorative dentistry in Gilbert, AZ, may be needed.

5. Pain and/or Discomfort

Any consistent pain or discomfort in the gums is a warning sign. While not all gum diseases cause pain, paying attention to any persistent discomfort is important.

By visiting your dentist at least twice a year, your dentist may successfully detect and diagnose signs of gum disease. Contact us today to book your next dental exam.