Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry – Professional Teeth Whitening: How It Works

From drinking coffee to eating certain foods, several different things can impact the color of your teeth. That said, many people choose professional teeth whitening for a whiter, brighter smile. However, not all professional teeth whitening treatments are created equal. While many providers offer in-office treatments by a professional, others send you home with DIY kits. No matter your preference, professional teeth whitening can give you the smile you’ve always wanted.

To get started with professionalteeth whitening in Gilbert, AZ, contact the dental experts at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today. We can help you achieve a gorgeous smile!

What to Expect

If you want the best results from professional teeth whitening, choose in-office treatments. Since these services are provided by dental experts, the results can be exceptional! Plus, compared to at-home teeth whitening, these specialists handle the entire process for you!

Professional in-office whitening typically takes about 60 to 90 minutes for each session. To begin, the provider takes note of the current shade of your teeth. Then, pumice is used on the surface of your teeth to remove plaque. Once cleaned, the experts add gauze and protective materials inside your mouth to keep certain areas away from the whitening solution.

The next step in the process is to apply the whitening solution to the front surface of your teeth. This substance is typically made of a bleaching agent, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. After the application, a curing light or laser is often used to activate the peroxide. Most providers will leave on the whitening solution for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on their specific process.

Professional Teeth Whitening at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry

Whether you’re interested in at-home or in-office teeth whitening treatment, our team is ready to assist! We’re happy to use some of the best products in the industry. Contact us today to work with the leadingdentist in Gilbert, AZ!

How Can I Prepare for Teeth Whitening Procedures?

Virtual consultations became very popular during the pandemic, even though they had been steadily gaining traction long before then. If you’re curious whether a virtual dental appointment is worth your time, we’ll examine why you might want to schedule one.

1. Reduced Anxiety

Quite possibly, the biggest reason to schedule a virtual dental appointment in Gilbert, AZ, besides general convenience, is that many people put off dental visits because they’re nervous about what the dentist will find. With a virtual appointment, you have a buffer between you and the dentist. So, even if you get some bad news, you’ll have time to process it before you decide what to do next.

2. Time-Savers

A traditional dentist appointment is more than finding a time that suits your busy schedule. With a virtual consultation, you don’t have to commute, spend time in a waiting room, or take off several hours of work in case things don’t run like clockwork.

3. Expert Advice

A virtual consultation gives you access to advice that you can trust. Instead of looking up general tips on the internet, which may or may not accurately address all of your symptoms or concerns, you can work with a professional who can give you real solutions to real problems.

Finding a Dentist in Gilbert

Virtual consultations and appointments offer patients a way to address dental issues regardless of how busy they are. They also allow for more streamlined follow-ups and after-care to ensure everything moves in the right direction. If you’re interested in a staff member who can provide excellent care from wherever they are, call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today. Here, the team has done more than invest in technology. We’ve put these tools to work to provide the most value to clients.

4 Tips to Maintain White Teeth This Summer

Summer is a time for smiles. Whether you’re visiting friends and relatives, hosting a barbecue in your backyard, or dancing at a friend’s wedding, it’s important to have a smile that makes you feel confident. Your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, can help! By keeping your teeth clean and by seeking professional whitening services, you can enjoy white teeth throughout the summer.

1. Get your teeth professionally cleaned on schedule.

Most dentists recommend that their patients get their teeth cleaned every six months. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last six months, it’s time. Get your teeth professionally cleaned to remove plaque and tartar that can cause stains and discolorations.

2. Have your teeth whitened.

Professional teeth whitening in Gilbert, AZ, can turn your teeth many shades whiter and can keep your teeth that way for a while. Professional teeth whitening is a great way to make your smile sparkle.

3. Maintain good oral hygiene at home.

Of course, you can’t have white teeth if you’re not cleaning your teeth effectively at home. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss once daily. Don’t forget to replace your toothbrush every three months. Also, get a tutorial from your dentist on brushing and flossing next time you’re at the dentist’s office to ensure that you’re doing it correctly.

4. Stay hydrated.

Summer is a time when it’s hard to stay hydrated. Drink enough water to keep your mouth sufficiently wet with saliva. Saliva helps keep your teeth clean and washes away bacteria that can lead to staining and bad breath.

Is it time for you to schedule an appointment with the dentist? Call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today.

How Many Sessions of Teeth Whitening Will I Need?

When you think about how many years the stains on your teeth have spent accumulating, it would be easy to think that getting rid of all the red wine, nicotine, coffee, etc. would take some time. You might think that you need multiple sessions over the course of months before you even start to see a difference. The good news is that professional teeth whitening is an efficient process that can make your teeth multiple shades whiter.

How Teeth Become Stained

If you’re looking for teeth whitening services in Gilbert, AZ, it might be because you see quite a bit of build-up on your teeth. In fact, anything that would stain a white shirt can stain your teeth, regardless of whether it’s red pasta sauce or orange soda. (Drinking through a straw can help, but it’s not a cure-all.) Home whitening kits may be able to lighten your teeth a little, but only a professional can give you the big, bright smile that you’re craving.

What You Need to Know About the Process

When you come into the office for your appointment, a qualified dentist in Gilbert, AZ will actually tackle the bonds on the teeth that create the stains. You should only need one session to see dramatic differences, though it’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same results. Teeth whitening will depend on everything from the types of stains on your teeth to your very genetics.

Find a Dentist in Gilbert, AZ

University Family Dental has seen how stains can accumulate over time. It may not be a dental emergency, but it is something that can affect patients nonetheless. If you’ve been hesitant to smile because you’ve noticed that your teeth are taking on a yellow hue, it’s worth scheduling a session.

Most people think of staining as largely cosmetic, but this is not always true. In some cases, there might be internal reasons for the stains, such as trauma, that will need to be taken care of. If you want to learn more about what it will take to lighten your teeth and what type of techniques will be used, contact us to learn more about the treatment.

In-Office Teeth Whitening: Patient FAQs

Are you self-conscious about the shade of your teeth? Thankfully, in-office teeth whitening in Gilbert, AZ is easy to find and highly effective. While in-office whitening has grown increasingly common as a cosmetic dental procedure, many patients still have questions. Take a look at a few of the most common patient FAQs about getting your teeth whitened by a dentist.

How quickly will I see results?

The true advantage of in-office teeth whitening is you see the results immediately. Even with professionally-provided home whitening kits, you won’t see the full whitening results for around 10 to 14 days. You simply visit the office for your treatment, which takes about 90 minutes in total, and walk away with a whiter, brighter smile.

Will in-office whitening make my teeth more sensitive?

You may experience some mild sensitivity immediately after your appointment and potentially during the few days following your appointment. However, these changes in sensitivity to hot or cold will go away soon after treatment and are not a sign that anything is wrong.

Can you get your teeth whitened if you’ve had dental work performed?

If you have dental fillings, crowns, or other dental work in the teeth that are visible when you smile, teeth whitening may not work the same on these areas. Before your treatment, the dentist will discuss how a whitening procedure could affect these areas. In some cases, dental work may need to be mended to prevent irregularities in tooth shades. For example, a composite filling is tinted to be the natural color of your teeth when installed, but may not respond to in-office whitening the same. Therefore, the filling may have to be replaced.

Looking for a dentist in Gilbert, AZ for teeth whitening? Reach out to us at the office of Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry to schedule an appointment.