Can Sedation Dentistry Help Improve Your Oral Health?
Sedation dentistry is not necessarily a new concept in dentistry, though it’s more talked about now than before. If you’ve wondered how sedation dentistry in Gilbert, AZ impacts your oral health, there’s a few things that you should know about what it is and how it works.
Sedation Dentistry and You
Sedation dentistry refers to any type of sedative if you need a dental procedure. It’s likely that you’re familiar with sedation dentistry in at least one way or another. For example, you may have seen comical portrayals of people who were given laughing gas before having a tooth pulled.
However, it’s worth noting that not only is sedation in the dental industry far more precise, there’s also far more methods that a patient can choose if they opt for sedation. For example, some patients prefer IV sedation whereas others might want to take an oral sedative. A dentist in Gilbert, AZ will adjust their approach based on everything from the patient’s weight to their overall expectations during the procedure.
Sedation Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ
Sedation dentistry doesn’t directly improve your oral health. The main benefit is that patients are more comfortable during the procedure, which can make them less likely to delay visiting the dentist or having the recommended procedures. If you’re looking for a dentist that can help you find the right sedation for you, contact the offices of Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry. Our team can help you learn more about everything from local anesthetic for simple services like cavity fillings to IV sedation for longer and more complex procedures.