Which Restorative Treatment Is Best for You?

Restorative dentistry focuses on improving and rebuilding the structural integrity of the teeth and mouth. If you’ve suffered tooth loss or are at risk for it, restorative treatments can give you back your normal chewing ability. Several treatments fall under this umbrella. Here’s a closer look at some of them and the type of problems they treat, so you can choose the right one for your needs.


A crown is a fake tooth that sits on top of the existing tooth. If your tooth is cracked or chipped, but the root and bone are in good shape, it can be the right choice. Crowns can also improve the color of discolored teeth that are otherwise healthy.


If you’ve lost a tooth, an implant is a great restorative dentistry option. It protects your jaw and gums and ensures you can chew properly. Implants typically have a titanium screw that anchors to the bone in the mouth. On top of that, your Gilbert dentist will place a fake tooth. This process creates a replacement tooth that functions just like a natural one.


While implants work well if you’ve lost one or two teeth, if you have multiple teeth missing in one area, you may benefit from a bridge. A bridge places a crown on either side of the missing teeth and then attaches fake teeth to these crowns. This prevents the need for an implant while also ensuring you have full function in your mouth.

Are you interested in learning more about restorative treatments to restore the look and function you want in your mouth? Give Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry a call to learn more about your options.

3 Signs Your Dental Crowns Need to Be Adjusted

If you have new dental crowns, it is important to pay attention to any changes or signs that may indicate the need for adjustments in the days following crown placement. While dental crowns in Gilbert, AZ, are one of the most popular and effective options for smile restoration, they do sometimes need mild adjustments after placement. Here are three signs that your dental crowns may need attention.

1. Discomfort or Pain
In the initial days post-placement, if you experience persistent discomfort or pain around the dental crown area, it may be a sign that adjustments are needed. This discomfort could result from an uneven bite, an ill-fitting crown, or other factors that the dentist can address with a quick appointment.

2. Sensitivity to Hot or Cold
Increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, especially around the tooth with the dental crown, may suggest a need for adjustments. This sensitivity could be related to an improper fit or other issues that a cosmetic dentist can assess and rectify to ensure the crowns provide a more comfortable experience.

3. Visible Changes or Damage
Regularly inspect your dental crowns for any visible changes or damage, such as chips or cracks. If you notice any alterations, it’s crucial to consult with a cosmetic dentist as soon as possible. Timely attention to visible changes in the seating or position of the crown can prevent further issues and help maintain the integrity of your smile restoration.

Discuss Dental Crowns with a Cosmetic Dentist in Gilbert
With a good fit, dental crowns can be an exceptional option for long-term smile restoration. Schedule a consultation today with a cosmetic dentist in Gilbert to discuss your dental crown questions. Contact Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry for personalized and experienced dental care.

How Strong Are Temporary Crowns?

If you have a dental procedure or a dental emergency that results in tooth loss, you’re likely to be offered a temporary crown in Gilbert, AZ. In nearly all cases, the dental will recommend this option until a permanent one can be made. This way, you at least give the tooth some protection before it needs to be capped off at the final stage. If you’re wondering just how strong the crown is, especially if you need to wear it for a few weeks while your mouth heals, we’ll look at the facts.

Strong Enough for Daily Wear and Tear

While a dentist would never advise you to munch on extremely hard or chewy foods, temporary crowns are resilient enough to resist normal biting and chewing. Usually made from some type of resin, either acrylic or composite, they can withstand regular chewing and biting with minimal risk. If a temporary crown does dislodge, it’s likely not due to its strength but rather how it was fitted. Again, this doesn’t mean that you can leave a temporary crown on for years after the procedure, only that you won’t necessarily need to treat it with kids gloves while it’s on.

Crowns in Gilbert, AZ

It can be difficult to experience tooth loss of any kind, but you’re undoubtedly better off reinforcing a damaged tooth as opposed to losing it. If you’re looking for a dentist in Gilbert, AZ who can properly fit both the temporary and permanent crown, contact the staff at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry. The professionals here know that a crown can provide immense relief to a patient who has been struggling with tooth loss of any kind. If you’re looking for a team that knows the procedure inside and out, contact us today to make an appointment.

How Long do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns aren’t a permanent fix, but they are quite durable. With the best care, some crowns can last up to 30 years, although a reasonable expectation is closer to about 15 years. Dental crowns made of porcelain tend to last between 5 and 15 years.

The Importance of Quality Crowns

A well-crafted crown will not only look more natural but will also fit more comfortably and last longer. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose an experienced dentist in Gilbert, AZ, to ensure you’re getting a high-quality dental crown. Investing in quality will pay off in the long run.

How to Make Dental Crowns Last

Ensuring the longevity of your dental crowns involves a combination of professional dental care and at-home maintenance. Here are some tips to help your crowns last as long as possible:

Get Regular Dental Check-ups

Consistent dental visits will allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your crown, making any necessary adjustments or replacements as needed.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial. Brush and floss daily to avoid plaque buildup and tooth decay, which can compromise the integrity of your crown.

Avoid Grinding

If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, discuss this with your dentist. You may need a night guard to protect your crown and other teeth during sleep.

Mind Your Diet

Acidic foods and drinks can erode the cement that holds your crown in place. Limit your intake of such items and rinse your mouth with water if you do consume them. Avoid chewing hard foods like ice or hard candy

Your dentist will provide you with specific guidelines on how to care for your dental crowns to ensure they last as long as possible. Contact your dentist in Gilbert, AZ today to book an appointment.

What is a Dental Crown? What You Need to Know

Are your teeth damaged, stained or suffering from some kind of structural or cosmetic defect? Then you may be a good candidate for dental crowns. As your dentist in Gilbert, AZ, the dental professionals at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry are ready to answer your questions and help you decide if dental crowns are right for you. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about dental crowns.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a thin cap that fits over the teeth. Dental crowns offer tooth enamel protection and can also cover cosmetic problems like stains. Dental crowns are used in root canal procedures and are also used with dental implants to make the implant look like a natural tooth.

Who benefits from dental crowns?

You may be a candidate for a dental crown if you have a tooth that’s been damaged and needs reinforcement. You may also benefit from a dental crown if you would like to cover a cosmetic defect on your tooth.

What are dental crowns made of?

A dental crown can be made from any one of the following materials:

  • Metal. Some crowns are made of gold, nickel or chromium. These crowns are strong and durable, but do not resemble natural teeth. Some patients choose this material for the teeth near the back of their mouth.
  • Resin. Resin crowns look natural, but don’t last as long as some other crown materials. This is a good budget crown material.
  • Porcelain. Porcelain crowns can be made to resemble natural teeth in color. This material is often used for teeth in the front of the mouth.

How long do crowns last?

Need more information about dental crowns in Gilbert, AZ? Call today to make an appointment to learn more from your dentist at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry.