3 Top Reasons to Choose a General Dentistry Practice

In an age of increasing specialization, it may be the intuitive choice to select a practice specializing in pediatric dentistry for your child or to seek out a specialist in crowns, implants, and dentures as you age. However, at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry in Gilbert, AZ, we believe in the continuity of care that provides you and your family with a lifetime of dental expertise.

We strive to establish lasting relationships that last from childhood through adulthood. We believe there’s value in tapping into the familial history of oral care and solutions.

Our family practice extends from assuring new parents that a baby’s first teeth are emerging properly and at the right time to assessing the need for teenage orthodontics, middle-age whitening or tooth straightening, and senior implants.

Decades of Experience

Dr. Kathy Jacobsen is a board-certified dentist dedicated to building lasting relationships. Not only has she built a highly-successful practice in general dentistry but she has also established a team of dental professionals and staff that are tops in their individual specialties and subscribe to her principles of service to the family and to the community.

Virtual Consultations

We understand that every family is busy these days, so at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry, we keep pace by offering virtual chat opportunities for our clients to discuss their dental concerns from the privacy of their own homes.

Not only does it save time, but it also allows the dental team to assess patient needs better and schedule services at minimally disruptive times.

Advanced Dental Technologies

The improvements in dental care and modern technology mean that we can more easily identify dental problems and ensure lasting oral health. It makes good sense to place the care of your teeth, gums, and mouth on a continuum from childhood to senior status, doesn’t it?

We certainly believe it does. And that’s something to smile about!

Contact us to request a consultation or schedule a first appointment.

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