How Many Sessions of Teeth Whitening Will I Need?

When you think about how many years the stains on your teeth have spent accumulating, it would be easy to think that getting rid of all the red wine, nicotine, coffee, etc. would take some time. You might think that you need multiple sessions over the course of months before you even start to see a difference. The good news is that professional teeth whitening is an efficient process that can make your teeth multiple shades whiter.

How Teeth Become Stained

If you’re looking for teeth whitening services in Gilbert, AZ, it might be because you see quite a bit of build-up on your teeth. In fact, anything that would stain a white shirt can stain your teeth, regardless of whether it’s red pasta sauce or orange soda. (Drinking through a straw can help, but it’s not a cure-all.) Home whitening kits may be able to lighten your teeth a little, but only a professional can give you the big, bright smile that you’re craving.

What You Need to Know About the Process

When you come into the office for your appointment, a qualified dentist in Gilbert, AZ will actually tackle the bonds on the teeth that create the stains. You should only need one session to see dramatic differences, though it’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same results. Teeth whitening will depend on everything from the types of stains on your teeth to your very genetics.

Find a Dentist in Gilbert, AZ

University Family Dental has seen how stains can accumulate over time. It may not be a dental emergency, but it is something that can affect patients nonetheless. If you’ve been hesitant to smile because you’ve noticed that your teeth are taking on a yellow hue, it’s worth scheduling a session.

Most people think of staining as largely cosmetic, but this is not always true. In some cases, there might be internal reasons for the stains, such as trauma, that will need to be taken care of. If you want to learn more about what it will take to lighten your teeth and what type of techniques will be used, contact us to learn more about the treatment.

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