Does Plaque Turn Into Tartar?

Plaque is usually the main problem that people discuss when it comes to caring for their teeth. Most people know that plaque is what leads to cavities. Of course, there’s more to this equation, which is often why procedures like root canals or extractions seemingly sneak up on people. Below, we’ll look at plaque and tartar and why keeping up with regular teeth cleaning in Gilbert, AZ is so important.

From Plaque to Tartar

Plaque is a type of film that’s made up of bacteria. This buildup is a common occurrence that even the best brusher and flosser can’t entirely prevent. Plaque buildup can be removed through standard brushing and flossing, but if it’s not taken care of sooner than later, it will turn into tartar.

It usually takes one to three days for plaque to turn into tartar. Once the minerals in your saliva start binding to the plaque, it will form into a hardened layer that’s usually either yellow or brown. Tartar can only be removed by a dentist, so it’s important to see a professional regularly. If it’s left to its own devices, it will eventually destroy the tooth from the outside in.

How to Keep Plaque at Bay

Even one day of careless brushing and flossing can lead to tartar, so you don’t get a lot of leeway when it comes to your dental hygiene routine. The best thing you can do is invest in the right tools and keep up with your habits, especially between meals and snacks.

If you’re looking for the best dentist in Gilbert, AZ, call Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry. We can help you schedule cleanings and stick to your schedule, so you don’t have to worry about too much tartar buildup.