What to do When Food Gets Caught in Gums

One minute you’re happily binge-watching your favorite streaming show, munching away on Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn, and the next minute your tooth is aching because the skin of a kernel has slid into the gums. It happens to all of us. So you head into the bathroom to get it out, only all you end up doing is pushing it farther in. And then…it’s gone. Nothing and no one is getting that thing out. The next morning, your gum is inflamed, your tooth is painful and you don’t know what to do.

What to do When Food Gets Caught in Gums

The first thing you should do is to call yourdentist in Gilbert, AZ and book an appointment, because the last thing you want to do is ignore it. Food debris in the gums, no matter how tiny, can lead to dangerous bacterial infections. After a suitable time has passed, an infection can ultimately lead to a very loose tooth that’s in danger of falling out. But that doesn’t have to happen. Just contact Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry and we can help.

How We Can Help With Food Lodged in the Gums

When you come in, the first thing we’ll do is conduct a thoroughdental exam in Gilbert, AZ. Once we’ve confirmed what we’re looking for and where it’s hiding, we’ll use one or more special tools to remove it. What we won’t do is judge how it got there. After all, you aren’t the first person to get food lodged in the gums, and you won’t be the last.

We recommend contacting us as soon as something like this happens, so the food doesn’t have a chance to become a feast for bacteria. The sooner you come in, the sooner we can help your gums return to normal!

Do Electric Toothbrushes Hurt Your Gums?

Depending on the setting, you might find your electric toothbrush fairly aggressive. If you have sensitive gums, you may worry if this is causing them to erode. If you’re concerned about whether electric toothbrushes are right for you, we’ll look at how they work and why you should be able to use one if you follow a few simple rules.

Electric Toothbrushes and Your Gums

It’s natural for people to want to scrub their teeth to a squeaky clean. Of course, if the toothbrush starts to creep over into the gumline, all that pressure may cause the gum line to recede. So, it doesn’t necessarily matter for your gum health in Gilbert, AZ if it’s an electric toothbrush or a regular toothbrush. The idea is more what type of pressure you’re using when you brush.

How to Protect Your Gums in Gilbert, AZ

The best way to protect your gums is to reduce the manual pressure and to choose soft-bristle brushes. If you’re not pressing down as hard and the brushes are gentler, you can greatly reduce the odds of damage to your gums. There are also electric toothbrushes available with pressure sensors that can help you detect when you’re stepping outside the lines.

The best brushing techniques can help you remove plaque and bacteria without hurting your gums. However, they don’t eliminate your need to see a dentist for a regular cleaning. In addition to scraping off any buildup you may have accumulated over the months, a dentist in Gilbert, AZ will evaluate your gums so you can keep them healthy for many years to come. Contact Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry today to set up a dental cleaning today!