3 Restorative Dentistry Options You Might Not Know About

Visiting your dentist in Gilbert, AZ isn’t just about dental exams and cleanings. It’s also about making your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. That’s where restorative dentistry comes in. Restorative dentistry refers to dental procedures that restore your mouth to its best possible condition. This includes functionality and appearance. So, while cosmetic dentistry gets a lot of hype, restorative dentistry can also transform your smile! Here are three restorative dentistry options you might not know about.

1. Four-on-four Dental Implants

You may know about dental implants, but did you know there’s an even simpler solution for patients with multiple missing teeth? Four-on-four dental implants attach to the jaw at four key points. The result is the ability to restore a person’s entire set of upper or lower teeth. This all comes with a speedier recovery time and little or no need for bone grafting.

2. Same-day Crowns

You probably know about dental crowns, but did you know you can now get crowns in one day? Same-day crowns, also known as CEREC crowns, eliminate the need for temporary crowns and multiple visits. Using digital impressions and computer-aided milling, a permanent crown can be designed, manufactured, and placed in just one appointment. This not only saves time but also ensures a perfect fit, reducing the risk of future adjustments.

3. CAD/CAM Bridge Technology

The bridge your grandfather might have is quite different from the dental bridge you’ll get today. Dental bridge technology has seen significant improvements, thanks to CAD/CAM software. This technology allows for the precise design and manufacturing of bridges, ensuring a perfect fit and reducing the time required for the procedure.

Do these Gilbert, AZ restorative dentistry treatments sound intriguing to you? Contact us today to book your appointment or to learn more!

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