3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist During Your Next Dental Exam

When you visit the dentist in Gilbert, AZ for your next dental exam, you’ll have a good opportunity to ask questions about your dental health. Knowing which questions to ask can make your time at the dentist’s office more productive and helpful. Below are three good questions to ask your dentist when you go for your next dental appointment.

1. Am I At Risk for Any Conditions?

Some people are at high risk for various dental conditions. If you’re at risk, you can help protect yourself by watching out for symptoms and reporting them to your dentist. You may be at higher risk for various conditions if you have diabetes, if you smoke, or if you are taking certain medications.

2. How Can I Improve My Oral Hygiene Routine?

Your dentist will be able to tell if you’re missing areas of your teeth while brushing and flossing. At the end of your exam, the dentist can give you tips to improve your oral hygiene routine. Taking the time to ask can ensure that your dentist will pass this information along to you.

3. Has There Been a Change to My Oral Health?

Your oral health can change over time. Your teeth will become more sensitive, your gums may recede, or your gums may become inflamed. These changes can point to problems like gum disease, which needs treatment from a dentist. If your dentist has noticed changes in your oral health, it’s important to have a conversation about it.

Is it time for a dental exam in Gilbert, AZ? If so, call your dentist at Kathy Jacobsen Contemporary Dentistry to make an appointment.

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